3.04 - Pasture utilisation

Selected information sources and training workshops to lift the efficiency of pasture utilisation.

  1. Towards Sustainable Grazing – The professional producer’s guide

Published by MLA, this guide describes in practical detail how to manage a more productive and sustainable grazing business. The chapters on grazing management and native and improved perennial pasture production provide further information related to this module and the publication also presents growth pathways to successful market outcomes. The guide can be accessed online at www.mla.com.au

  1. State PROGRAZE manuals

  2. MLA calculators

MLA has produced a range of calculators that can assist in determining pasture utilisation. These are available under the Publications, tools & events section of the website:

  1. MLA Tips & Tools

The Tips & Tools range of free factsheets produced by MLA provide producers with straightforward practical information to apply on-farm. The following list includes the Tips & Tools that are relevant to this module for further information on improving pasture and grazing management. Visit www.mla.com.au/publications to download your free copies.

  1. EverGraze Actions

The EverGraze Actions range of free factsheets provide producers with straightforward practical information to apply on-farm. The following list includes the factsheets that are relevant to this module for further information on improving pasture and grazing management. Visit Evergraze to download your free copies.

  • Growing and using Chicory on the East Coast
  • Growing and using Chicory in Western Australia
  • Growing and using Lucerne
  • Growing and using Kikuyu in Western Australia
  • Growing kikuyu for summer feed and soil cover
  • Grazing Phalaris for production and persistence
  • Growing and using summer active Tall Fescue
  • Growing and using winter active Tall Fescue in southern Australia
  • Native pastures of the Eastern Namoi
  • Management of native pastures in Victoria
  1. Agriculture Notes

Produced by the State of Victoria, Department of Primary Industries, the Agriculture Note: Using nitrogen to grow extra feed for cows provides useful information for producers that can be applied to beef cattle. The Note can be downloaded from http://www.dairyaustralia.com.au


Produced by the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Primefact 281: Cocksfoot, provides useful information for producers on Cocksfood. that can be applied to beef cattle. The document can be accessed online: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/primefacts