When we look at Cattle genetics for your business we have to first look at the five main procedures that will help you achieve this. These five main procedures are:
2. Select the most profitable breed.
We will briefly review these five main procedures before assessing them in more detail.
1. Use BreedObject: Use BreedObject to develop an appropriate breeding objective for the herd and calculate a selection index.
- The breeding objective is based on the ideal animal for a particular enterprise.
- BreedObject calculates a dollar index for animals specific to the breeding objective.
- With Breed-object you identify the commercial market production system to be targeted.
- Assess trait importance.
- Construct the best $Index.
- Using your $Index.
2.Select the most profitable breed: To ensure that you have the most profitable breed you can.
- Consider selection of the best genotype for your enterprise as part of setting the enterprise direction.
- Assess merits of a change in breed or crossbreeding compared to within-breed selection only.
- Your options to change herd genetics include replacing the herd by buying an alternative breed, build up to the desired breed and decide whether you want a designed crossbreeding or straight breeding program.
3. Buying the right bulls: The purchased bulls, or semen for an artificial insemination program, need to provide the best value for the financial outlay.
- Measure the value of the bull by its 'fit' with your breeding objective.
- Check bulls for structural soundness at purschase and annually before mating.
- Predict the value of bulls for improving enterprise profitability.
4.Modify trait emphasis in line with individual herd requirements: Breeders may require modification of trait emphasis to
- minimise calving difficulty because of inability or disinclination to handle calving difficulties.
- improve temperament due to inability to handle flighty cattle.
- meet market specifications of higher yield or different maturity types.
- meet personal estimations of future market requirements.
When allocating bulls to the mating groups, aim to reduce the risk of inbreeding.
5.Implement sound culling, management and marketing policies to complement the genetic improvement program: To implement these changes you should:
- Measure the performance level of the calving rate, calves born in the first cycle, and compliance to market specifications.
- Decisions in change should not be made in extreme conditions and the animal's age and weight at sale should be taken into consideration.