SA feed year growth rate patterns
Source: South Australia PROGRAZE manual, Appendix D (for further information and the assumptions on which these tables are based), see the South Australian PROGRAZE manual and the Feed Demand Calculator or visit
Mount Gambier
Estimated daily pasture growth rate (mid-month) of specific pasture types (kg DM/ha/day)
Estimated daily pasture growth rate (mid-month) of specific pasture types (kg DM/ha/day)
Estimated daily pasture growth rate (mid-month) of specific pasture types (kg DM/ha/day)
Adelaide Hills (dryland)
Estimated daily pasture growth rate (mid-month) of specific pasture types (kg DM/ha/day)
Fleurieu Peninsula
Estimated daily pasture growth rate (mid-month) of specific pasture types (kg DM/ha/day)